Rollstuhlgerechte Wanderung
Rollstuhlgerechte Wanderung
mit Rolli auf der Dachstein-Hängebrücke
mit Rolli auf der Dachstein-Hängebrücke
barrierefreie und rollstuhlgerechte Raftingtour
barrierefreie und rollstuhlgerechte Raftingtour
barrierefrei auf den Dachstein
barrierefrei auf den Dachstein
Menschen mit Behinderung im Hochseilgarten
Menschen mit Behinderung im Hochseilgarten
Menschen mit Behinderung im Hochseilgarten
Menschen mit Behinderung im Hochseilgarten
barrierefreier Tauchkurs
barrierefreier Tauchkurs
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
barrierefreier und rollstuhlgerechter Urlaub in den Bergen
mit Handicap im Hochseilgarten
mit Handicap im Hochseilgarten

17. – 22.08.2025 at JUFA Schladming

bookable from 01.10.2024

Recharge your batteries in the Austrian Alps: Even as a handicapped person you don’t have to do without a holiday in the mountains! During this holiday you will get to know Austria from its most beautiful side during the different activities in nature.

Experience something! Every day a different adventure, a new challenge, a different self-awareness, crossing borders and experiencing pure nature!

NEW – Test our new all-terrain and electric wheelchairs. There are 3 Swiss-Tracs, 1 e-pilot from the company Alber and a wheelchair with electric push assistance available free of charge.

Suitable for: People with and without disabilities


17. – 22.08.2025 at JUFA Schladming***

bookable from 01.10.2024

We ask our guests to choose a price from a scale for the booked services according to their personal budget.
Important! You can choose freely between all prices without giving reasons.

at JUFA Schladming

financial support from PSOYour price
social scale 1€ 1.494€ 995
social scale 2€ 1.375€ 1.114
social scale 3€ 1.245€ 1.244
social scale 4€ 1.096€ 1.393
social scale 5€ 897€ 2.592

Bookings at
Hotel Almfrieden****, Ramsau
Hotel Moser***Superior, Rohrmoos
Hotel Tui Blue, Schladming
possible at request.

You would like to participate, but can’t afford the vacation? Then apply for a voucher!


  • € 45,- membership fee
  • Arrival and departure
  • Drinks
  • Lunches
  • Possibly transport on site
  • Possibly transfer from/to the station
  • Souvenirs

Non-binding booking request

    Included Services

    Included Services – Mulit-Activity-Week | 20. – 25.07.2025 & 17. – 22.08.2025

    • 5 days program incl. all admissions
    • Professional and individual support during all activities by our qualified personnel as well as by our helpers and interns in a small group
    • 5 nights in wheelchair accessible Hotel Moser incl. half board in a double room (21.-26.07.2024) or
    • 5 nights in wheelchair accessible JUFA-Schladming or Hotel Almfrieden**** incl. half board in a double room (18. – 23.08.2024)
    • NEW – Test our new all-terrain and electric wheelchairs. There are 3 Swiss-Tracs, 1 e-pilot from the company Alber and a wheelchair with electric push assistance available free of charge.
    Target group

    Target group – Mulit-Activity-Week | 20. – 25.07.2025 & 17. – 22.08.2025

    Suitable for people with a physical disability and without a disability

    We try to find suitable activities for everyone, regardless of their disability. All people are different and everyone has different needs! Together we will always find a good solution – also for you! Thus a barrier-free vacation / wheelchair vacation in the nature and in the mountains also with handicap becomes a completely special experience.

    We expect you! People with physical disabilities can participate in our barrier-free “holiday in the mountains” / “wheelchair holiday”.

    Possible disabilities:

    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Amputation
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Paraplegic
    • Spina Bifida
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Muscle dystrophy
    • Visual impairment
    • Head injury, Stroke
    Your holiday at a glance

    Mulit-Activity-Week | 20. – 25.07.2025 & 17. – 22.08.2025

    Day 1 – Arrival

    On the day of your arrival we will meet at your accommodation in the late afternoon. There we will get to know each other, give you an overview of the coming week and of course answer all your questions.

    Day 2 – Laser Biathlon & Archery

    Right at the beginning of your holiday there is an absolute highlight on the programme! Before we set off on a hut hike in the fascinating mountain world of the Niederen Tauern, we test our accuracy in a round of laser biathlon. In the cosy mountain hut in the afternoon we experience social get-togethers and excitement while archery. If the weather permits, we will end the evening at the campfire with the Dachstein in the background.

    Day 3 – Carriage ride & afternoon at leisure

    The annual mountain panorama of the Dachstein and the Niedere Tauern mountains invite you to a relaxing ride in a horse-drawn carriage. After a day of physical exertion, we have well deserved the relaxation and can then during the free afternoon to recharge the reserves for the coming days.

    Day 4 – High ropes course

    Strengthened and rested, another highlight will be on the programme on the fourth day. A visit to the high ropes course is an unforgettable experience and will be deeply anchored in your memory. For each of you there is a suitable adventure! In the Flying Fox, a long rope slide, you can experience, for example, the breathtaking feeling of speed and the certain “tingling” in your stomach.

    Day 4 – Dachstein

    .In the afternoon we already enjoy unforgettable views of the rugged rocks of the Dachstein massif during the gondola ride at an altitude of almost 3.000 meters. Once at the top, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Hohe Tauern on cloudless days. Another highlight of this day will be a visit to the Sky Walk, the most spectacular viewing platform in the Alps!

    Day 5 – Summer tobogganing & hiking

    Today we spend the morning on the summer toboggan run with fun and action and let the wind blow through our hair. After a refreshment in a cozy hut we start in the afternoon for another hike in the middle of the Hohe Dachstein or the Niedere Tauern.

    Day 6 – Kayak course

    The crowning finale – a kayak course! Hardly any other sport lets you feel the untamed energy of nature as well as kayaking. After you have exchanged your clothes for a wetsuit and paddle, awaits the first experiences with the kayak at the Aicher Badesee. Afterwards the energy stores have to be replenished. And what could be better than a barbecue? On this occasion we can review the highlights of the adventure week and exchange addresses with the participants who have become friends.

    Day 6 – Departure

    Today we have to say goodbye to the fantastic mountain scenery. The journey home takes place individually.

    Further offers

    Du verfügst über ein geringes Einkommen, kannst dir keinen Urlaub leisten und
    würdest trotzdem gerne bei uns mit dabei sein und Abenteuer in der Natur erleben oder die Skipiste hinuntersausen?
    Dann schreib uns ein kurzes Email an und bewirb dich für einen Gutschein im Wert von € 1.000,-.

    Nähere Infos: