Licht ins Dunkel Jubilee Fund

Freizeit-PSO has been selected as an Austrian lighthouse project as part of the Licht ins Dunkel Jubilee Fund 2022.


  • Holiday vouchers worth up to € 1,000 for people with disabilities on the poverty line
  • NEW at Freizeit-PSO: All-terrain tractors (Swiss-Tracs) including matching wheelchairs

Improved mobility and self-determination through Swiss-Tracs

From summer 2023, we will be able to provide you with 3 all-terrain wheelchairs including the “Swiss-Trac” electric drive.


People with severe mobility impairments (e.g. people with spinal cord injury, tetraparesis, spastic paralysis, multiple sclerosis, etc.) are only able to move in the mountains with a lot of support and an enormous physical commitment of the helpers. The Swiss-Tracs are all-terrain tractors for wheelchair users and enable them to have a self-determined and active mountain experience.

The traction devices allow wheelchair users to move freely in the mountains, can cope with uneven paths with steep inclines and also serve as a braking device when going downhill. Swiss-Tracs, used by leisure PSOs, enable a large number of people with disabilities to have uncomplicated and self-determined access to the mountains.

Swiss-Tracs can be borrowed free of charge throughout the programs of Freizeit-PSO.

People who are planning a holiday in the region without a leisure PSO can borrow the Swiss-Tracs for a fee (equipment rental) after schooling.


Holiday vouchers for people with disabilities

Integration and support of socially disadvantaged people with disabilities


From now on, people with disabilities who have only a low income and therefore cannot afford free time can enjoy a winter or summer holiday with Freizeit-PSO.

True to the motto “Finding a place in social society through sport”, we can also give the above-mentioned people a chance for sports and recreation in the mountains with the help of the Jubilee Fund.

Do you have a low income, can’t afford a holiday and would still like to join us and experience adventures in nature or whizz down the ski slopes? Then write us a short email to and explain to us simply and briefly why you can’t afford a vacation.

After positive feedback from us, you can immediately register for a ski course or a summer sports week with us.


  • One person with a disability and one parent per family are entitled to claim
  • We can support you once with up to € 1,000 per person
  • In total, we can offer you 10 of these places per year until 2025


  • Every person with a disability is eligible.
  • We can support you once with up to € 1,000 per person. Possible eligible costs are, for example, ski course fee, hotel, travel, etc.
  • In total, we can offer you 10 such places per year until 2025

Further offers

Du verfügst über ein geringes Einkommen, kannst dir keinen Urlaub leisten und
würdest trotzdem gerne bei uns mit dabei sein und Abenteuer in der Natur erleben oder die Skipiste hinuntersausen?
Dann schreib uns ein kurzes Email an und bewirb dich für einen Gutschein im Wert von € 1.000,-.

Nähere Infos: